So, I've had musical duos on my mind a lot recently, since Fu-ching and I made the decision to form a band together and not invite anyone else. I can honestly say at this point that playing in FU-CHING-GIDO continues to be one of the great pleasures of my life, and I couldn't be happier.
When we decided to play as a duo, I had a think about other duos which I really like. Obviously The White Stripes are a big one, and also I really enjoy Ben Butler and Mousepad. One recurring factor in these bands, and something which I enjoy hearing, is the wild rawness of their live performances. And recently I perhaps understood where a large part of this raggedy wonkiness comes from. I'm pretty sure it comes from Pure Fear!
Seriously, performance-wise, I think there has been very little that I've done that's come close to the nerves I've experienced performing in this duo. And that definitely lends a raw quality to the performances. But also, with nowhere to hide on stage, I find myself relying partly on my own preparation, but most of all, in the moment, I completely rely on my partner to help us get through the performance. Luckily my partner in FU-CHING-GIDO is a truly amazing musician! So, together with the astonishing new levels of stage-fright, I've also been able to experience a massive amount of musical pleasure, and I can't wait to see how things develop.
Tonight I'll take a look at the video and audio recordings of last night, and see if there's anything nice to share online.
In the meantime, I'll leave you with a couple of clips of those great duos I mentioned. Although their music is quite different to ours, I think anyone who's come to see us live may well recognise a similar crazy fear factor!
All the best,